Developing Tomorrow's Leaders.
Coaching, Mentoring and Leadership Development for Success.
● About Leadership Dynamics
If it's to do with you or your people, we're here to help. We offer coaching, mentoring and development to maximise personal and organisational effectiveness.
● What We Do

Coaching and Mentoring
Our coaching and mentoring offers a highly personalised approach tailored to your needs wherever you are in your career steps.
We utilise a strengths-based approach that fosters a growth mindset, encouraging collaboration, continuous learning and the pursuit of mastery.
Coaching programmes typically last between 3- 12 months depending on the goals the client wants to achieve. We use a range of diagnostic tools to help people understand their own drivers and perspectives and gain feedback from others to help them gain insight.

Principal and Senior Leaders Appraisal
Increasingly, schools are offering Principals and senior leaders the opportunity to engage with professional external appraisers.
We are experts, leadership advisors, with experience in the leadership of schools and international businesses. Our background as senior leaders allows us to bring real world experience combined with some of the latest thinking on leadership which is invaluable for our clients.

Team Coaching
High performing teams seek coaches to help them build trust and have courageous conversations around the leadership table.
We work with leadership teams to help them maximise their collective potential. Typically, we use team diagnostics and feedback to help understand the challenges they may want to address to increase their team effectiveness.
● Who We Are
Leadership Dynamics are a collective of highly experienced leaders and coaches from the corporate, public and education sectors. We are here for you and your organisation to help you succeed.

Dave Tams
Leadership Coach
Dave has over 30 years experience as a coach, senior leader and organisational development practitioner. He has worked at a senior leadership level in multinational businesses across the UK, Australia, US and in the New Zealand public sector. Pragmatic and highly commercially focussed; Dave has led a number of change initiatives and brings extensive experience in people strategy, executive coaching, leadership, cultural change, strategic planning and organisational development and design.

Lorraine Taylor
Leadership Development & Mentoring
Lorraine has been in teaching for over 35 years and has been a school principal for over 18 years. She has successfully led 4 schools in both Wellington and Rotorua. Lorraine currently has roles mentoring and supporting other school principals and is a frequent speaker on assessment practices, curriculum delivery and raising achievement across New Zealand. She has served on various Ministry of Education working parties including as a member of the 2024 Ministerial Advisory Group (MAG) for The NZ Curriculum Refresh. Lorraine is also a Level 2 Certified Leadership Coach from the Institute of Executive Coaching and Leadership (IECL) in Sydney, Australia.
● Qualifications & Accreditations

We are qualified in a number of tools and accredited coaches of the world's most renowned human behaviour firms.

We are professionally qualified coaches accredited and certified by the Institute of Executive Coaching and Leadership and members of the International Coaching Federation.

We partner with The Academy of Brain-based Leadership on Psychological S.A.F.E.T.Y. TM and are accredited to use their diagnostic and debrief individuals and teams.

We are proud to work with our partners at 6 Team conditions with the Team Diagnostic Survey (TDS). Drs. Ruth Wageman, Richard Hackman, and Erin Lehman at Harvard developed this assessment based on their research about the conditions that drive team effectiveness. The TDS produces a report showing scores on the 6 Team Conditions (3 essential and 3 enabling), 3 Key Task Processes that emerge from those conditions, and 3 outcome measures of Team Effectiveness.
● Testimonials
As a coach Dave has challenged me to believe in myself and develop the confidence and courage to be an organisational leader. He has always walked beside me, patiently helping me learn and grow. My greatest learning to be an effective leader is to look in the mirror before looking out of the window.
I got considerable value out of the six sessions. I now have clarity around my values, strengths and the journey I am on! The time with Dave really cemented the ‘why' in order for me to then build the how I was going to get there. Without this, I would have been somewhat aimless. The work we have done on my strengths has contributed enormously to my confidence.
Dave's coaching helped me to shift my thinking and has enabled me to look differently at particular issues, in order to solve them. Dave is adept at ensuring you keep focussed on delivering the plan.
Dave has been a fantastic coach. I was managing and executing on a critical project and he helped me to put on the right thinking and mindset about the bigger picture, context and stakeholders. He is honest and objective, brings out the answers from you, and equips you with tools and thinking on becoming the leader you are meant to be.
I have no hesitation in recommending Dave as a Managerial Mentor or Coach and for his expertise across a range of psychometric analysis platforms and brain-based leadership.
Dave’s coaching helped me to understand where I can add most value to my area of work. He nurtured an awareness of bravery to make a necessary move in my career I would not have thought feasible a year ago. His inquisitive and non-judgemental style of coaching enabled self-awareness to the opportunities that lay ahead.
Having executive coaching with Dave over the past year has been extremely positive. He has helped me develop into a better manager and leader. Dave has through a balance of encouragement, support and challenge helped build my confidence, abilities and grow my achievements. As a coach he uses a super combination of listening, questioning, humour, subtle direction, and plain old honest feedback.
● Contact Us
If you are interested in hearing more about our services or would like to discuss a proposal, please contact us.
Dave Tams
021 040 4547
Lorraine Taylor
027 911 9073
© Leadership Dynamics NZ 2024